Richard Bull-Domican is a B2B Lead Generation Expert. Since founding his company in 2007, Richard has helped his clients by combining some of the new techniques of marketing, which allow organisations of any type and size to reach a wide audience, with old-style relationship building to generate sales opportunities. He follows up promotional emails or mailshots by phone to gauge interest and arrange appointments. Collaborative working is key to Richard. His clients are the experts and; therefore, best placed to build the relationship following an introduction.
The Managing Director’s nightmare. A cautionary tale.
“Our biggest client had walked away. Their budgets had changed and they were no longer prioritising our services.
Another major account was teetering for different reasons. They had started to do the work in-house and couldn’t justify the budget for both an in house and external supplier of services.
There were some fundamental things to address, in terms of business and sales growth.
How was I going to do it?
I'd spent too much time on the road serving existing clients. Our business had become too reliant on a small number of large contracts.
They were demanding more and more of my time and the business wasn’t being paid for that extra time. My business was subsidising projects.
Time away from the office meant that I wasn't focusing on my business I was stuck and the situation was painful.
I pulled people in to help with the sales effort but they didn't last too long. I’d not been able to spend enough time on educating them about what it is we do, how we go about it and who we prefer to work with. Our sales and marketing activity has been intermittent, at best.
We need a change of emphasis. Our sales momentum needs to be given a shot in the arm.
To transform the business, we need a different long-term approach. A couple of quick fix platforms, promoting instant results had been tried, with no success.”
Since 2007, New Era Financial Introductions has supported clients with their lead generation.
Lead generation to us, is the extra piece in the marketing puzzle between the actual marketing function (which is there to raise awareness about a business and its products and services) and sales (the role of presenting options to potential clients and finding the right solution.)
Sometimes the process gets stuck. Proper lead gen helps keep the process moving via active follow up of enquiries and interest.
We help clients in 4 ways:
Our advantage is, we are not restricted by client type or sector because our focus is on relationship building and this is not sector specific. All success in commerce tracks back to the strength of our nurtured relationships.